Awakenings E-News

July 2006, Exercise Attachment

A New Presence and Place of Belonging for an Awakening Humanity




Set aside a quiet time when you can do some brainstorming and write down some ideas. While just thinking about changing your life is valuable, statistics show that writing down the things you want to change exponentially increases your results. Interestingly, we have found that people often resist taking this important step. This is because putting something in writing is tangible; it brings with it greater commitment. This is also its value. If you commit yourself 100% to change, your results will match your commitment.

To take a positive step toward the goal of creating a more meaningful life and a better world, we suggest the following.

1.  BRING MORE AWARENESS TO YOUR CURRENT LIFE. We have found that quantifying things between one and ten helps our clients, our students, and ourselves to bring more awareness to what is happening and, when a shift is made, to evaluate the degree of change. To start, then, evaluate the following statements and, on the first piece of paper, write down how strong they are between zero and ten, with zero being the least possible and ten the most possible. Evaluate the degree to which you spend time doing things that are not meaningful to you:

A. to please others.

B. to meet the expectations of others.

C. to prove to yourself or others that you are a good person, an efficient person, or worthy in some other way.

D. Because you feel like you “should” for any reason, such as that you should work eight hours a day, etc.

E. Any other reason or reasons, list: _______________ .

With these reasons in mind, on the first piece, write down all the things you can think of that currently occupy your time and attention that you want to minimize or eliminate to create a life that is meaningful to you.

2. FOCUS ON WHAT HAS MEANING TO YOU. On the second piece of paper, write down all of the meaningful things you would like to focus more time and attention on. A clue of where to look if you are not sure where you want to focus your attention is to look into your heart, which we regard as seat of the soul in the body. Your soulful heartfelt excitement and joy will lead you lovingly in the right direction. As a note, we have a process on our for connecting with the soul that you can access at

3. DEVELOP AN ACTION PLAN. From this soulful, heart-oriented perspective, examine both lists and, on the third piece of paper, write down an action plan itemizing ways you can shift your time and attention in an increasingly more meaningful direction, focusing on specific ways you can begin to incorporate the meaningful things into your daily life. Also reflect for a moment on how your life will look in six months or a year if you take no action vs. how it will look it you take some conscious steps now. With this in mind, the real question is: from zero to ten, how committed are you to following your heart and your plan?

We all have obligations that take some of our time, and grounding our spirituality includes acknowledging the requirements of the physical plane. At the same time, we can and must create spaces in our lives for the things that give life meaning. It is easy to continuously put these things off until next month or next year when it will theoretically be more convenient, but from our experience, this convenient time never comes. After the dishes are washed and the checkbook is balanced, the realization of a meaningful life is what we are here for, after all. Another key here: small shifts made now become major changes over time. Make it easy to change in small steps, rather than crippling yourself with grand expectations.

With your commitment and action plan in hand, review the five items you quantified earlier. With your new awareness, quantify them again, ask yourself from zero to ten how much you truly have to focus your attention on the things that have less meaning to you. Then, quantify your commitment to the items on your action plan and to creating a meaningful life. In coming weeks and months, your results will match your level of commitment to the plan.

4. REEVALUATE YOUR ACTION PLAN REGULARLY. Following this action plan is a step toward more conscious living. Set a goal to re-evaluate and update your plan each month, or on some regular basis. If we can do this individually and collectively, starting today, we are well on the way to creating a new reality.


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